Physio Fitness

Assessment and Treatment


Initial Assessment


Follow up sessions from*


Advanced Therapist

Initial Assessment


Follow up sessions from*


Senior Therapist

Initial Assessment


Follow up sessions from*


Consultant Therapist

Initial Assessment


Follow up sessions from*


Dave Mott - Consultant Physiotherapist and Managing Director

60 Minute Consultation


Sports Massage

30 minutes From*


60 Minute Consultation*


MBST Cell Regeneration

7 sessions


9 sessions


Shockwave Therapy

6 sessions


Alter G Anti Gravity Treadmill

30 minute sessions from*


60 minute sessions from*


Diagnostic Ultrasound

Scan with copy of report for therapist and patient included


Ultrasound Guided Injections

Corticosteroid (Kenalog) Injection


Hyaluronic Acid (Ostenil) Injection


Combined Corticosteroid & Hyaluronic Acid Injection (Cingal)


Polyacrylamide hydrogel injection (Arthrosamid) Injection


*Consultant Physiotherapist initial appointment will vary dependant on consultant seen
*All follow up prices depend on whether follow up session is 30 or 60 minutes and how many sessions are purchased initially larger blocks of sessions will reduce individual sessions price 
*Massage session price will vary depending on how many sessions are purchased initially larger blocks of sessions will reduce individual sessions price
*Alter G session price will vary depending on how many sessions are purchased initially larger blocks of sessions will reduce individual sessions price

Follow up sessions (30 or 60 minute), sports massage, Alter G Therapy can be purchased in blocks of 6, 12 or 25 sessions